Naftal - Head Teacher Originally from Arusha, Naftal joined STA in 2017. Besides a busy working schedule making sure everything runs smoothly at the school, Naftal also teaches Swahili in grades 1, 2, 4 and 5, as well as vocational skills in grade 5. What he likes the most about his job at STA are his students and the good cooperation with the other teachers. As a truly inspiring leader, you will find him first in line when it’s time to paint walls or dig foundations. Something you probably don’t know about Naftal is that he likes to compose religious songs! |
Elicia - Office Manager Elicia joined STA from Dar es Salaam in 2018 to deal with administrative tasks and to provide an environment for teachers and students conducive to learning. Basically, she makes everyone’s life much easier! She enjoys challenges and finds her role at STA interesting as she never has a boring day in the office. Elicia especially likes working with people of different ages from students, to teachers and parents. An avid learner, she is very interested in using database management systems to carry out admin tasks in a more computerized and professional way. |
Ameme - Prep/Grade 2 Teacher Ameme has been with STA for 5 years now. He started as a teaching assistant and librarian, and now he teaches the lower classes healthcare, environmental care, art, mathematics and Swahili. He enjoys teaching young pupils as they show good cooperation and enthusiasm during lessons. What he likes the most about STA is the unity among teachers, managers, and founders, as well as the professional development provided by the organization to support his growth in several areas of his career as a teacher. Ameme is also a talented artist: when he’s not teaching, you’ll find him singing or composing rap songs! |
Rehema - Prep Teacher Rehema has been with us since 2015. She comes from Tanga, but has now made Bagamoyo her home. She mainly teaches the prep class, but she also teaches Swahili in grades 6 and 7. Rehema particularly enjoys teaching the prep students because they are curious and eager to learn. Her favorite thing about STA is the opportunity to develop her career through different programs provided by the school. Rehema first joined STA as an admin assistant and Swahili teacher under the supervision of Madam Lauren. With time, she discovered her inner passion for teaching so she rolled up her sleeves and studied to become a teacher to pursue her ambition of making a difference in children’s education. |
Sindiyo - Grade 1 Teacher Sindiyo joined our school in 2018 from Arusha. He teaches numeracy, writing, reading, healthcare and environment. He is very proud of his students because they are well organized and smart all the time. One thing he especially likes about STA is the availability of school materials for teaching. When he was a young student in grade 4, he had a teacher who inspired him to pursue a teaching career. In his spare time, he likes to listen to gospel music. |
Edith - Grade 2 Teacher Edith has been with us since early 2020. She joined just a few months before the school closing due to Covid-19. Since then, she has proven incredible flexibility and adaptability. Edith teaches reading, writing, arts and sports. One thing that she likes about her students is when they are able to deliver their homework in a timely fashion. She also enjoys the availability of teaching materials that we offer at our school. In her free time, she likes to sing gospel songs. |
Shaidu - Grade 3 Teacher Shaidu joined STA in 2018 from Bukoba. He teaches mathematics, civics and moral education, science and English. What he likes most about his students is that they are always ready to learn new things. PD (Professional Development) sessions are Shaidu’s favorite at STA: these sessions give him room to share, learn, and grow his teaching skills. His commitment to teaching is driven by motivation and desire to be part of and to contribute to community development. Shaidu spends most of his free time writing and composing art work. |
Deo - Grade 4 Teacher & Academic Advisor Deo has been an STA teacher for 5 years now. He is originally from Bukoba in the Kagera region. He teaches science, English, social studies, civics and moral education. Deo’s favorite thing about his students is their curiosity: they are always curious to learn new things which creates a positive, stimulating learning environment for both teacher and students. He likes how teachers are given a chance to grow and keep learning: he is a strong believer that our school motto “Learning for Life” does not only apply to students, but to teachers as well. When he was a student himself, he helped his peers by teaching the subjects they were struggling with. That’s when he understood that teaching was making him very happy and fulfilled and decided to become a teacher. Deo holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and is also a passionate author, currently writing his second book. When he’s not writing or teaching, he likes to sing in the church choir. |
Mtili - Grade 5 Teacher Mtili moved to Bagamoyo from Arusha in 2018 to join forces with the STA teachers. She teaches mathematics, science, English, social studies, civics and moral education. What she likes about STA is the absence of using sticks to punish pupils and the farm environment all around the school. She also enjoys having her own class so that she is able to build strong, individual relationships with her students, finding the time to understand them and give them proper attention. Mtili chose to become a teacher to assist and empower students to achieve their goals and ambitions. In her spare time, she enjoys dedicating time to different hobbies like sewing, playing instruments, and being a tour operator. |
Gervas - Grade 6 Teacher Gervas joined our school in January 2021. He comes from the Pwani region. Gervas teaches English, social studies, civics and moral education and vocational skills in grade 6; English and social studies in grade 7; and Swahili in grade 3. He is always eager to learn and not afraid of failing. What he likes most about his students is their active participation in the class, the constant questions and curiosity without being afraid of not knowing the answer. Gervas chose to become a teacher because when he was very young, he struggled with reading and counting, until a teacher in his neighborhood helped him to overcome his challenges. He promised himself that he would become a teacher to help other children. What a beautiful story! |
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